Our Tradition
A great body of knowledge of occult laws and forces - gradually brought together by the investigation and research of great sages of the past - has been carefully preserved and handed down from masters to pupils from the earliest ages. It is the Secret Doctrine which was taught to the initiates of the priesthood in the temples of the past, which formed the Lesser and Greater Mysteries of Egypt, Chaldea, Greece, and others. This arcane science was the original fount from which have sprung all the various exoteric religions of the ages and in which the Founders of those religions were well versed.
This Secret Doctrine has been handed down since time immemorial in the instituted Temples of the Mysteries. The August Order of the Mystic Rose is a modern link in this ancient chain of mystic studies.
These arcane mysteries are transmitted to accepted candidates of August Order of the Mystic Rose through the Sacred Rites of Temple Initiation a ceremonial tradition which has existed since the dawn of time. In the Ancient Mysteries the knowledge of the Lord of the Universe, the knowledge of Man and his relation thereto; as well as the sub- and super- human beings, the unseen laws operating in both the Macrocosm and the Microcosm were made practical by the detailed knowledge of how to develop the latent powers in man and how to control, dominate and operate non-human beings and forces. The Initiate of the Mysteries was therefore not only a sage but a powerful magician who could, at will, bring to pass seeming miracles. By reason of their wisdom and power they became great spiritual beings transcending the human stage of evolution, and achieving that alchemical transmutation of the base metal of the lower and material nature into the pure gold of the spiritual, and fixing this by the influx of the divine spirit itself, becoming Christoi - possessors of the Stone of the Wise, the Elixir of Life, the Summum Bonum.
Today the Stewards of the Ancient Mysteries have opened once again the Portal of Initiation. Application to the August Order of the Mystic Rose may be made by writing to the Order:
August Order of the Mystic Rose P.O. Box 71 Mountain View, California 94043 For E-mail contact use the links provided Non Microsoft Access or Outlook users can address E-mail to: mysticscribe@aomr.org